Uber will let drivers track your location, but only if you agree

Uber has rewritten its privacy policy to make it easier to grok and added some very important changes. According to the updated guidelines, the ride-sharing app will soon give drivers the power to track your location if you allow it to, so long as it remains running in the background.

via Pocket http://ift.tt/1KFJvC1

John Kerry injured in bike accident while at nuclear talks, flown to Swiss hospital

Secretary of State John Kerry was helicoptered to a Swiss hospital Sunday after a bike crash outside of Geneva, where he had been holding nuclear talks with Iran’s foreign minister. Kerry suffered a likely leg injury, but did not lose consciousness, State Department spokesman John Kirby said.

via Pocket http://ift.tt/1JgQKhR

Windows 10 prices and release dates for Home and Pro versions may have leaked

Microsoft has yet to officially announces prices for its stand-alone versions of Windows 10, but online retailer NewEgg may have revealed the prices and a possible release date for both the Home and Professional SKUs of the operating system. In newly discovered pre-order listings on NewEgg.

via Pocket http://ift.tt/1ABOLUa

Muslim chaplain says she faced discrimination aboard United Airlines flight

Tahera Ahmad said a United flight attendant refused to give her an unopened can of Diet Coke because she said it could be used “as a weapon.” When she said she was being discriminated against, another passenger on the plane hurled angry, anti-Muslim comments at her, according to Ahmad.

via Pocket http://ift.tt/1eHk8Tf